Quality Quest


During this project a serious game is to be developed, in which an audience can interactively decide the course of an interesting and humorous story. At the beginning of the game the audience can choose from several player characters with different stats. The subsequent decisions made by voting influence the further course of the game, either by indirectly modifying stats through their decision and thus increasing the chances for random decisions to have a positive or negative outcome or by directly choosing which path of the story to take. The goal is to be invited to a prestigious workshop in Hawaii through good work.


The image of the software developer is still strongly influenced by the cliché of the nerd living in his parents' basement, doing whole projects on his own without feeling the need to interact with other people at all. However, due to the increasing focus on teamwork, readability and quality assurance, the reality is the exact opposite. Therefore the game aims to show the audience a contemporary picture of software development in a realistic and humorous way. The decisions made in the game are intended to demonstrate the skills required for this profession and show the positive effects of good practices in software development.


The game should have an appealing and clear presentation, and the audience should be able to participate easily via their smartphones and their laptops. However, the moderator should be able to continue the game on his own at any given time, or to pause the game if needed. The game should be able to be played through within twenty minutes.

Context of project

QualityQuest is developed within a software project of the University of Ulm in cooperation with NewTec GmbH, represented by Dr. Axel Newe, and shall be published as open source.