Used tools, plugins and libraries

A list of all tools, plugins and libraries that have been used to create the documentation of the product and helped implementing Quality Quest. The list contains the name of the respective tool, the version that has been used (or a link to the webpage) and a description on how the tool was used.

Used tools

The following tools were used during the creation of Quality Quest and the documentation:

Tool Description Version
Visual Studio Code Tool to create and edit markdown files, and also to create and edit PlantUML files. 1.49
Visual Studio 2019 Tool to create and edit any files associated with a C# software project. 16.8.2
PlantUML Used to create the required UML diagrams.. 1.2020.15
GIMP Editor for raster graphics. Was used for image editing. 2.10.18
SourceTree GUI for git. 4.0.1
GitKraken GUI for git. 5.0.4
MkDocs Documentation tool for creating stylized documentation through markdown files. 1.1.2
GitHub Tool for source code management and version control. link
Doxygen Tool to generate software reference documentation. 1.8.20
Aseprite Tool to create pixelart sprites and animations. 1.2.25
Planttext A website for converting PlantUML files into svg files. link
Docker Tool used to use other tools directly without the need of installing anything, 19.03.13
m2r Markdown to reStructuredText converter used for making the docs usable for Sphinx. link
Sphinx Documentation tool for creating stylized documentation through reStructuredText. 3.2.1
Adobe XD Adobe XD is a vector-based user experience design tool for web apps and mobile apps. 34.0
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor used to create assets. 22.1.1
ReSharper A Visual Studio 2019 extension for refactoring, fixing code smells and the sorts. 2020.2.4
Codecov The leading, dedicated code coverage solution used via Github Action. link
Unity Unity is a cross-platform game engine. 2020.2.2f1
Unity Test Framework The Unity Test Framework (UTF) enables Unity users to test their code in both Edit Mode and Play Mode 1.1.24

Used plugins

The following plugins were used during the creation of Quality Quest and the documentation:

Plugin Description Version
Markdown All in One Visual Studio Code plugin used for creating MkDocs easier. 3.3.0
PlantUML Visual Studio Code plugin used for creating PlantUML diagrams directly in VSC and to see the diagram live-update. 2.13.13
mkdocs-with-pdf MkDocs plugin used for creating a PDF out of the MkDocs documents. 0.7.5
Admonition MkDocs extension used to create admonitions in the documentation. link
Live Share Visual Studio (Code) plugin used for collaboratively editing any codebase with others in real time. v1.0.3046
Code Spell Checker Visual Studio Code plugin used for spell checking source code. 1.9.0

Used libraries

The following libraries were used during the creation of Quality Quest:

Library Description Version
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk The MSbuild targets and properties for building .NET test projects. 16.7.1
MSTest.TestAdapter The adapter to discover and execute MSTest Framework based tests. 2.1.1
MSTest.TestFramework This is MSTest V2, the evolution of Microsoft's Test Framework. 2.1.1
jQuery jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation. 3.5.1
Bootstrap Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework. 4.3.1
SignalR Allows server code to send asynchronous notifications to client-side web applications. 5.0.2
Newtonsoft.Json A popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET. 12.0.1
WebSocketSharp WebSocketSharp is a WebSocket server implementation in C# 1.0.1
Fleck Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C# and has no dependency on HttpListener or HTTP.sys. 1.1.0